Inferences about one or two populations
At the heart of many basic scientific inquiries is the simple question “Is A different from B?” The scientific notation for this question is:
- H0: Group A is not different from group B.
- H1: Group A is different from group B.
More formally, one would say:
- \(H_{0}: \bar{A} = \bar{B}\) vs. the alternative hypothesis that \(H_{a}: \bar{A} \neq \bar{B}\).
- \(H_{0}: \bar{A} \leq \bar{B}\) vs. the alternative hypothesis that \(H_{a}: \bar{A} > \bar{B}\).
- \(H_{0}: \bar{A} \geq \bar{B}\) vs. the alternative hypothesis that \(H_{a}: \bar{A} < \bar{B}\).
NOTE: Hypothesis 1 is a two-sided t-test and hypotheses 2 and 3 are one-sided tests.
Biologists typically define the probability of one in twenty (0.05) as the cut-off level to reject the null hypothesis.
What are probabilities?
The P-value (the significance level, \(\alpha\)) is the probability of finding the observed (or measured) outcome to be more extreme (i.e. very different) than that suggested by the null hypothesis (\(H_{0}\)). Typically, biologists set the P-value at \(\alpha \leq 0.05\)—in other words, the measured outcome of our experiment only has a 1 in 20 chance of being the same as that of the reference (or control) group. So, when the P-value is \(\leq\) 0.05, for example, we say that there is a very good probability that our experimental treatment resulted in an outcome that is very different (we say statistically significantly different) from the measurement obtained from the group to which the treatment had not been applied—in this case we do not accept \(H_{0}\) and by necessity \(H_{1}\) becomes true.
The choice of P-value at which we reject \(H_{0}\) is arbitrary and exists by convention only. Traditionally, the 5% cut-off (i.e. less than 1 in 20 chance of being wrong or \(P \leq 0.05\)) is used in biology, but sometimes the threshold is set at 1% or 0.1% (0.01 or 0.001, respectively), particularly in the biomedical sciences where avoiding fasle positives or negatives could be a public health concern. However, more and more biologists shy away from the P-value as they argue that it can give a false sense of security.
We generally refer to \(P \leq 0.05\) as being statistically significant. Statistically highly significant is seen at as \(P \leq 0.001\). In the first instance there is a less than 1 in 20 chance that our experimental sample is not different from the reference group, and in the second instance there is a less than 1 in a 1000 chance tat they are the same. This says something about error rates: the \(H_{0}\) may in fact be falsely accepted or rejected. A Type I error is the false rejection of the null hypothesis (i.e. in reality we should not be rejecting it, but the P-value suggests that we must). A Type II error, on the other hand, is the false acceptance of the null hypothesis (i.e. the P-value suggests we should not reject the \(H_{0}\), but in fact we must). When a statistical test results in a P-value of, say, \(P \leq 0.05\) we would conclude that our experimental sample is statistically different from the reference group, but probabilistically there is a 1 in 20 change that this outcome is incorrect (i.e. the difference was arrived at by random chance only).
To conclude, when \(P \gt 0.05\) there is a lack of evidence to suggest that our experiment has had an influential effect of the hypothesised outcome. When \(P \leq 0.05\), however, there is a good probability that the experiment (etc.) has had an effect.
Is there a difference between two groups?
To answer this fundamental question one often uses a t-test. There are several variations of t-tests, depending on the nature of our samples and the type of question being asked:
One-sample t-tests: only one sample set of data that we wish to compare against a known population mean:
- one-sided one-sample t-tests
- two-sided one-sample t-tests
Two-sample t-tests: the means of two groups are compared against each other:
independent sample t-tests
- one-sided two-sample t-tests
- two-sided two-sample t-tests
paired sample t-tests
- one-sided
- two-sided
Before we cover each of these, we need to understand some of the assumptions behind t-tests. We shall cover that next.
Irrespective of the kind of t-test, we have to make a couple of important assumptions that are not guaranteed to be true. In fact, these assumptions are often violated because real data, especially biological data, are messy. In order to use a t-test to determine if a significant difference between two sample sets of data exists we must first establish that:
- the dependent variable must be continuous (i.e. it is measured at the interval or ratio level),
- the observations in the groups being compared are independent of each other,
- the data are normally distributed, and
- that the data are homoscedastic, and in particular, that there are no outliers.
Remember from Chapter 5 what a normal distribution is/looks like? Let’s have a peek below to remind ourselves:
# Random normal data
<- data.frame(dat = c(rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 10, sd = 3),
r_dat rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 8, sd = 2)),
sample = c(rep("A", 1000), rep("B", 1000)))
# Create histogram
<- ggplot(data = r_dat, aes(x = dat, fill = sample)) +
h geom_histogram(position = "dodge", binwidth = 1, alpha = 0.8) +
geom_density(aes(y = 1*..count.., fill = sample), colour = NA, alpha = 0.4) +
labs(x = "value")
Interactive histogram showing two randomly generated normal distributions.
Whereas histograms may be a pretty way to check the normality of our
data, there is actually a statistical test for this, which is preferable
to a visual inspection alone. But remember that you should
always visualise your data before performing any statistics on
them. To check the normality of the data we use the Shapiro-Wilk test.
This test produces a \(W\) value and a
p-value. We are only interested in the p-value as this
is how we are to determine the normality of the data. The Shapiro–Wilk
test tests the null hypothesis that a sample \(x_{1},..., x_{n}\) comes from a normally
distributed population. i.e. that the normality does not differ
significantly from normal. If the p-value is
above 0.05 we may assume the data to be normally
distributed. In order to demonstrate what the output of
looks like we will run it on all of the
random data we generated.
R> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
R> data: r_dat$dat
R> W = 0.9942, p-value = 4.649e-07
Note that this shows that the data are not normally
distributed. This is because we have incorrectly run this function
simultaneously on two different samples of data. To perform this test
correctly, and in the tidy way, we need to select only the second piece
of information from the shapiro.test()
output and ensure
that it is presented as a numeric value:
# we use the square bracket notation to select only the p-value;
# had we used `[1]` we'd have gotten W
r_dat group_by(sample) %>%
summarise(norm_dat = as.numeric(shapiro.test(dat)[2]))
R> # A tibble: 2 × 2
R> sample norm_dat
R> <chr> <dbl>
R> 1 A 0.375
R> 2 B 0.461
Now we see that our two sample sets are indeed normally distributed.
What if we find that the data are not normally distributed? Although there are many options, the easiest is to perform a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test, which is the non-parametric equivalent to a t-test (see Section X). Another option is to transform the data (Chapter 11).
Besides requiring that our data are normally distributed, we must
also ensured that they are homoscedastic. This word means that the
scedasticity (variance) of things are homogeneous (similar). In
practical terms this means that the variance of the samples we are
comparing should not be more than two to four times greater than one
another. In R, we use the function var()
to check the
variance in a sample:
r_dat group_by(sample) %>%
summarise(sample_var = var(dat))
R> # A tibble: 2 × 2
R> sample sample_var
R> <chr> <dbl>
R> 1 A 8.72
R> 2 B 3.97
Above we see that the variance of our two samples are homoscedastic because the variance of one is not more than two to four times greater than the other.
What if our data are not equal in their variances? This is easier to
fix as the solution is built right into the t-test function;
all we need to do is to perform Welch Two Sample t-test (the
default) in the t.test()
function that we shall use below.
If the variances are equal, we simply perform a normal Student’s
t-test by setting the argument var.equal = TRUE
the function call (see below).
Two for one
Because these two assumptions of normality and homoscedasticty are performed in tandem with one another, it is helpful to have a function that checks for both simultaneously. Below we see how just such a function would be written:
<- function(x) {
two_assum <- var(x)
x_var <- as.numeric(shapiro.test(x)[2])
x_norm <- c(x_var, x_norm)
result return(result)
To use our new function in a tidy way we use the following code:
r_dat group_by(sample) %>%
summarise(sample_var = two_assum(dat)[1],
sample_norm = two_assum(dat)[2])
R> # A tibble: 2 × 3
R> sample sample_var sample_norm
R> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
R> 1 A 8.72 0.375
R> 2 B 3.97 0.461
Do these data meet our assumptions? How do we know this?
If the tests for some or all of the assumptions fail, refer to the Chapter on Assumptions to see how to proceed.
Once we have tested our assumptions we may perform a t-test
to ascertain whether or not our samples are significantly different from
one another. The base R function for this is t.test()
however, by utilising the ggpubr
we gain access to compare_means()
, which allows us to
perform any sort of test that compares sample sets of data and outputs
the results as a dataframe. We will see throughout this and the
following chapters why this is so useful.
One-sample t-tests
Generally when we use a t-test it will be a two-sample
t-test (see below). Occasionally, however, we may have only one
sample set of data that we wish to compare against a known population
mean, which is generally denoted as \(\mu\), or mu
in the function
call to the t-test in R:
# create a single sample of random normal data
<- data.frame(dat = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 20, sd = 5),
r_one sample = "A")
# check normality
R> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> W = 0.94911, p-value = 0.3538
# No variance to compare
# ...
# compare random data against a population mean of 20
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 20)
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = 0.0048653, df = 19, p-value = 0.9962
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 20
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 16.91306 23.10133
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
# compare random data against a population mean of 30
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 30)
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = -6.7596, df = 19, p-value = 1.858e-06
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 30
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 16.91306 23.10133
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
What do the results of these two different tests show? Let’s visualise these data to get a better understanding.
ggplot(data = r_one, aes(y = dat, x = sample)) +
geom_boxplot(fill = "lightsalmon") +
# population mean (mu) = 20
geom_hline(yintercept = 20, colour = "blue",
size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
# population mean (mu) = 30
geom_hline(yintercept = 30, colour = "red",
size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
labs(y = "Value", x = NULL) +
Boxplot of random normal data with. A hypothetical population mean of 20 is shown as a blue line, with the red line showing a mean of 30.
The boxplot above shows the distribution of our random data against two potential population means. Does this help now to illustrate the results of our one-sample t-tests?
One-sided one-sample t-tests
Remember that a normal distribution has two tails. When we are testing for significance we are generally looking for a result that lays in the far end of either of these tails. Occasionally, however, we may want to know if the result lays specifically in one of the tails. Explicitly the leading or trailing tail. For example, is the mean value of our sample population significantly greater than the value \(\mu\)? Or, is the mean value of our sample population significantly less than the value \(\mu\)? To specify this in R we must add an argument as seen below:
# check against the trailing tail
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 30, alternative = "less")
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = -6.7596, df = 19, p-value = 9.292e-07
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is less than 30
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -Inf 22.56339
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
# check against the leading tail
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 30, alternative = "greater")
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = -6.7596, df = 19, p-value = 1
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 30
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 17.451 Inf
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
Are these the results we would have expected? Why does the second test not return a significant result?
TASK: Create a visualisation to graphically demonstrate the outcome of this t-test.
Two-sided one-sample t-tests
In R, the default setting for any comparison of means test is that it is two-sided so we do not need to state this explicitly. For the sake of thoroughness let’s see how to do this below. Note that the results for the two following tests are identical:
# R assumes we want a to-sided test
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 30)
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = -6.7596, df = 19, p-value = 1.858e-06
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 30
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 16.91306 23.10133
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
# but we can be explicit as we choose
t.test(r_one$dat, mu = 30, alternative = "two.sided")
R> One Sample t-test
R> data: r_one$dat
R> t = -6.7596, df = 19, p-value = 1.858e-06
R> alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 30
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 16.91306 23.10133
R> sample estimates:
R> mean of x
R> 20.00719
Two-sample t-tests
A two-sample t-test is used when we have samples from two different populations that we would like to compare against one another. This is the most common use of a t-test. Two sample t-tests can accommodate samples with equal variances or samples with unequal variances (as determined by the test for heteroscedasticity that we performed earlier).
In the case of samples that share the same variance we perform a classical t-test (otherwise known as Student’s t-test); the equation to calculate the t-statistic is this one:
\[t=\frac{\bar{A}-\bar{B}}{\sqrt{\frac{S^{2}}{n}+\frac{S^{2}}{m}}}\] \(\bar{A}\) and \(\bar{B}\) are the means for groups \(A\) and \(B\), respectively; \(n\) and \(m\) are the sample sizes of the two sets of samples, respectively; and \(S^{2}\) is the pooled variance, which is calculated as:
\[S^{2}=\frac{(n-1)S_{A}^{2}+(m-1)S_{B}^{2} }{n+m-2}\] The degrees of freedom, \(d.f.\), in the equation for the shared variance is \(n_{A}+m_{B}-2\).
When variances are unequal we perform the Welch’s t-test; Welch’s t-statistics is calculated as per this equation:
Above, \(S_{A}\) and \(S_{B}\) are the variances of groups \(A\) and \(B\), respectively (see Section X). The degrees of freedom to use with Welch’s t-test is obtained using the Welch–Satterthwaite equation as:
\[d.f. = \frac{\left( \frac{S^{2}_{A}}{n}+\frac{S^{2}_{B}}{m} \right)^{2}}{\left( \frac{S^{4}_{A}}{n-1} + \frac{S^{4}_{B}}{m-1} \right)}\]
What do we do with this t-statistic? In the olden days we had to calculate the \(t\)-statistics and the \(d.f.\) by hand. These two values, the \(d.f.\) and \(t\)-value had to be read off a table of pre-calculated \(t\)-values, probabilities and degrees of freedom as in here. Luckily, the t-test function nowadays does this all automagically. But if you are feeling nostalgic over times that you have sadly never experienced, please calculate the \(t\)-statistic and the \(d.f.\) yourself and give the table a go.
Back to the present day and the wonders of modern technology. Let’s generate some new random normal data and test to see if the data belonging to the two groups differ significantly from one-another. First, we apply the t-test function as usual:
# random normal data
<- data.frame(dat = c(rnorm(n = 20, mean = 4, sd = 1),
r_two rnorm(n = 20, mean = 5, sd = 1)),
sample = c(rep("A", 20), rep("B", 20)))
# perform t-test
# note how we set the `var.equal` argument to TRUE because we know
# our data has the same SD (they are simulated as such!)
t.test(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, var.equal = TRUE)
R> Two Sample t-test
R> data: dat by sample
R> t = -1.9544, df = 38, p-value = 0.05805
R> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group A and group B is not equal to 0
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -1.51699175 0.02670136
R> sample estimates:
R> mean in group A mean in group B
R> 4.001438 4.746584
# if the variances are not equal, simply set `var.equal` to false
# and a Welch's t-test will be performed
The first argument we see in t.test()
dat ~ sample
. Usually in R when we see a ~
(tilde) we are creating what is known as a formula. A formula tells R
how it should look for interactions between data and factors. For
example Y ~ X
reads: \(Y\)
as a function of \(X\). In our code
above we see dat ~ sample
. This means we are telling R that
the t-test we want it to perform is when the dat
column is a function of the sample
column. In plain English
we are dividing up the dat
column into the two different
samples we have, and then running a t-test on these samples.
Another way of stating this is that the value of dat
depends on the grouping it belong to (A
or B
We will see this same formula notation cropping up later under ANOVAs,
linear models, etc.
TASK: Create a visualisation to graphically demonstrate the outcome of this t-test.
Now we do the same test using a convenient function that comes with
the ggpubr package, called
, to perform the same t-test:
# perform t-test using `compare_means()`
# note that compare_means() takes the same arguments as t.test()
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test", var.equal = TRUE)
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.0580 0.058 0.058 ns T-test
Note above that in order to tell compare_means()
perform a t-test we feed it the argument
method = "t.test"
. The output is similar to that of the
familiar t.test()
function that we used earlier, but the
output is more abbreviated and less useful. Typically, the output of the
t-tests that we need to report in the results sections of our
papers include the \(t\)-statistic, the
\(P\)-value, and the degrees of
freedom, \(d.f.\), and these are absent
from the compare_means()
function’s output.
One-sided two-sample t-tests
Just as with the one-sample t-tests above, we may also specify which tail of the distribution we are interested in when we compare the means of our two samples. We do so by providing the same arguments as previously:
# is the mean of sample B smaller than that of sample A?
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test", var.equal = TRUE, alternative = "less")
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.971 0.97 0.97 ns T-test
# is the mean of sample B greater than that of sample A?
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test", var.equal = TRUE, alternative = "greater")
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.0290 0.029 0.029 * T-test
What do these results show? Is this surprising?
Two-sided two-sample t-tests
Again, as stated above, the default setting in R for comparisons of means is that the test is two-sided. If one wants to state this explicitly it may be done as previously. Note that the results are identical.
# default settings
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test")
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.0584 0.058 0.058 ns T-test
# explicitly state a two-sided test
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test", alternative = "two.sided")
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.0584 0.058 0.058 ns T-test
Paired t-tests
Paired t-tests are done when comparing matched samples, and in other words, when our second assumption of t-tests is violated: the observations are independent of one another—in paired samples, clearly they are not independent. This test is also sometimes called a dependent sample t-test.
For example, we design a survey to determine if, in a group of 20 people, individuals’ right arms differ in length from that of their left arms. For person A, we measure her right arm and her left arm. For person B we measure his right arm and his left arm. So we go all the way to person 20. A right arm belonging with one individual is always matched against a left arm in the same individual. The samples are paired so we use a paired t-test. Another example: we follow the growth of a sample of 20 piglets over three weeks to see if they weigh more after three weeks than they did at the start of the assessment period. We measure the first piglet, named Halal, at the start of the three week period and again after. We do the same for the second piglet, Kosher. And so it goes. Each piglet has a paired set of measurements, one before matched with one after. In both these examples the data in the two groups (left arm and right arm; or before and after) are not independent, so we need to account for this in the analysis. In practice, how do we perform such a t-test? Who can think of a dataset we’ve used in the past that we would use a paired t-test for?
compare_means(dat ~ sample, data = r_two, method = "t.test", paired = TRUE)
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 dat A B 0.0391 0.039 0.039 * T-test
Comparison of two population proportions
All of the tests we covered above are designed to deal with
continuous data, such as fish lengths or chlorophyll content. If we want
to compare proportions (probabilities of success) of different samples
against each other, or some known population mean, we need
. Let’s create a dummy dataset to get a better
idea of how this function works. Below we create some data showing the
result of placing two different subjects, Jack and Jill, in separate
sealed rooms for two hours (120 minutes). Once every minute a mosquito
is let into the room before being extracted again. The columns
and no
show if the mosquito bit the
subject during that one minute. Who says science can’t be fun!
<- matrix(c(70, 85, 50, 35), ncol = 2)
mosquito colnames(mosquito) <- c("yes", "no")
rownames(mosquito) <- c("Jack", "Jill")
R> yes no
R> Jack 70 50
R> Jill 85 35
One-sample and two-sample tests
As with t-tests, proportion tests may also be based on one
sample, or two. If we have only one sample we must specify the total
number of trials as well as what the expected population probability of
success is. Because these are individual values, and not matrices, we
will show what this would look like without using any objects but will
rather give each argument within prop.test()
a single exact
value. In the arguments within prop.test()
, x
denotes the number of successes recorded, n
shows the total
number of individual trials performed, and p
is the
expected probability. It is easiest to consider this as though it were a
series of 100 coin tosses.
# When the probability matches the population
prop.test(x = 45, n = 100, p = 0.5)
R> 1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
R> data: 45 out of 100, null probability 0.5
R> X-squared = 0.81, df = 1, p-value = 0.3681
R> alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 0.3514281 0.5524574
R> sample estimates:
R> p
R> 0.45
# When it doesn't
prop.test(x = 33, n = 100, p = 0.5)
R> 1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
R> data: 33 out of 100, null probability 0.5
R> X-squared = 10.89, df = 1, p-value = 0.0009668
R> alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.5
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 0.2411558 0.4320901
R> sample estimates:
R> p
R> 0.33
If we have two samples that we would like to compare against one another we enter them into the function as follows:
# NB: Note that the `mosquito` data are a matrix, NOT a data.frame
R> 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
R> data: mosquito
R> X-squared = 3.5704, df = 1, p-value = 0.05882
R> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -0.253309811 0.003309811
R> sample estimates:
R> prop 1 prop 2
R> 0.5833333 0.7083333
Do mosquito’s bite Jack and Jill at different proportions?
One-sided and two-sided tests
AS with all other tests that compare values, proportion tests may be
specified as either one or two-sided. Just to be clear, the default
setting for prop.test()
, like everything else, is a
two-sided test. See code below to confirm that the results are identical
with or without the added argument:
# Default
R> 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
R> data: mosquito
R> X-squared = 3.5704, df = 1, p-value = 0.05882
R> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -0.253309811 0.003309811
R> sample estimates:
R> prop 1 prop 2
R> 0.5833333 0.7083333
# Explicitly state two-sided test
prop.test(mosquito, alternative = "two.sided")
R> 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
R> data: mosquito
R> X-squared = 3.5704, df = 1, p-value = 0.05882
R> alternative hypothesis: two.sided
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -0.253309811 0.003309811
R> sample estimates:
R> prop 1 prop 2
R> 0.5833333 0.7083333
Should we want to specify only one of the tails to be considered, we do so precisely the same as with t-tests. Below are examples of what this code would look like:
# Jack is bit less than Jill
prop.test(mosquito, alternative = "less")
R> 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
R> data: mosquito
R> X-squared = 3.5704, df = 1, p-value = 0.02941
R> alternative hypothesis: less
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -1.00000000 -0.01597923
R> sample estimates:
R> prop 1 prop 2
R> 0.5833333 0.7083333
# Jack is bit more than Jill
prop.test(mosquito, alternative = "greater")
R> 2-sample test for equality of proportions with continuity correction
R> data: mosquito
R> X-squared = 3.5704, df = 1, p-value = 0.9706
R> alternative hypothesis: greater
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> -0.2340208 1.0000000
R> sample estimates:
R> prop 1 prop 2
R> 0.5833333 0.7083333
Do these results differ from the two-sided test? What is different?
A t-test workflow
Now that we have seen how to compare the means of two sample sets of
data, let’s see what that complete workflow would look like in R. For
this example we will use the ecklonia
data from Intro R
Workshop: Data Manipulation, Analysis and Graphing.
Loading data
Before we can run any analyses we will need to load our data. We are also going to convert these data from their wide format into a long format because this is more useful for the rest of our workflow.
<- read_csv("../data/ecklonia.csv") %>%
ecklonia gather(key = "variable", value = "value", -species, -site, -ID)
Visualising data
With our data loaded, let’s visualise them in order to ensure that these are indeed the data we are after. Visualising the data will also help us to formulate a hypothesis.
ggplot(data = ecklonia, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = site)) +
geom_boxplot() +
Boxplots showing differences in morphometric properties of the kelp Ecklonia maxima at two sites in False Bay.
The first thing we should notice from the figure above is that our different measurements are on very different scales. This makes comparing all of our data visually rather challenging. Even given this complication, one should readily be able to make out that the measurement values at Batsata Rock appear to be greater than at Boulders Beach. Within the framework of the scientific process, that is what we would call an “observation”, and is the first step towards formulating a hypothesis. The next step is to refine our observation into a hypothesis. By what measurement are the kelps greater at one site than the other?
Formulating a hypothesis
Looking at the figure above it appears that for almost all measurements of length, Batsata Rock far exceeds that of Boulders Beach however, the stipe masses between the two sites appear to be more similar. Let’s pull out just this variable and create a new boxplot.
# filter the data
<- ecklonia %>%
ecklonia_sub filter(variable == "stipe_mass")
# then create a new figure
ggplot(data = ecklonia_sub, aes(x = variable, y = value, fill = site)) +
geom_boxplot() +
coord_flip() +
labs(y = "stipe mass (kg)", x = "") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
Boxplots showing the difference in stipe mass (kg) of the kelp Ecklonia maxima at two sites in False Bay.
Now we have a more interesting comparison at hand. The question I think of when I look at these data is “Are the stipe masses at Batsata Rock greater than at Boulders Beach?”. The hypothesis necessary to answer this question would look like this:
- H0: Stipe mass at Batsata Rock is not greater than at Boulders Beach.
- H1: Stipe mass at Batsata Rock is greater than at Boulders Beach.
Or more formally:
- \(H_{0}: \bar{A} \leq \bar{B}\)
- \(H_{a}: \bar{A} > \bar{B}\).
Which test must we use for this hypothesis?
Choosing a test
Before we can pick the correct statistical test for our hypothesis, we need to be clear on what it is we are asking. Starting with the data being used is usually a good first step. As we may see in the above figure, we have two sample sets that we are comparing. Therefore, unsurprisingly, we will likely be using a t-test. But we’re not done yet. How is it that we are comparing these two sample sets? Remember from the examples above that there are multiple different ways to compare two sets of data. For our hypothesis we want to see if the stipe mass at Batsata Rock is greater than the stipe mass at Boulders Beach, not just that they are different. Because of this we will need a one-sided t-test. But wait, there’s more! We’ve zeroed in on which sort of test would be appropriate for our hypothesis, but before we run it we need to check our assumptions.
Checking assumptions
In case we forgot, here are the assumptions for a t-test:
- the dependent variable must be continuous (i.e. it is measured at the interval or ratio level),
- the observations in the groups being compared are independent of each other,
- the data are normally distributed, and
- that the data are homoscedastic, and in particular, that there are no outliers.
We know that the first two assumptions are met because our data are measurements of mass at two different sites. Before we can run our one-sided t-test we must meet the last two assumptions. Lucky us, we have a function tat will do that automagically.
Please refer to the Chapter on Assumptions to see what to do if the assumptions fail.
ecklonia_sub group_by(site) %>%
summarise(stipe_mass_var = two_assum(value)[1],
stipe_mass_norm = two_assum(value)[2])
R> # A tibble: 2 × 3
R> site stipe_mass_var stipe_mass_norm
R> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
R> 1 Batsata Rock 2.00 0.813
R> 2 Boulders Beach 2.64 0.527
Lovely. On to the next step.
Running an analysis
With our assumptions checked, we may now analyse our data. We’ll see below how to do this with both of the functions we’ve learned in this chapter for comparing means of two sample sets.
# traditional output
t.test(value ~ site, data = ecklonia_sub, var.equal = TRUE, alternative = "greater")
R> Two Sample t-test
R> data: value by site
R> t = 1.8741, df = 24, p-value = 0.03657
R> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Batsata Rock and group Boulders Beach is greater than 0
R> 95 percent confidence interval:
R> 0.09752735 Inf
R> sample estimates:
R> mean in group Batsata Rock mean in group Boulders Beach
R> 6.116154 4.996154
# dataframe output
compare_means(value ~ site, data = ecklonia_sub, method = "t.test", var.equal = TRUE, alternative = "greater")
R> # A tibble: 1 × 8
R> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
R> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
R> 1 value Boulders Beach Batsata Rock 0.0366 0.037 0.037 * T-test
Interpreting the results
We may reject the null hypothesis that the stipe mass of kelps at Batsata Rock are not greater than at Boulders Beach if our t-test returns a p-value \(\leq\) 0.05. We must also pay attention to some of the other results from our t-test, specifically the t-value (t) and the degrees of freedom (df) as these are also needed when we are writing up our results. From all of the information above, we may accept the alternative hypothesis. But how do we write that up?
Drawing conclusions
There are many ways to present ones findings. Style, without too much flourish, is encouraged as long as certain necessary pieces of information are provided. The sentence below is a very minimalist example of how one may conclude this mini research project. A more thorough explanation would be desirable.
The stipe mass (kg) of the kelp Ecklonia maxima was found to be significantly greater at Batsata Rock than at Boulders Beach (p = 0.03, t = 1.87, df = 24).
Going further
But why though? As is often the case in life, and science is no exception, answers to our questions just create even more questions! Why would the mass of kelp stipes at one locations in the same body of water and only a kilometre or so apart be significantly different? It looks like we are going to need to design a new experiment… Masters thesis anyone?
Exercise 1 Use a suitable R function to generate two samples of normal data (use n = 100) to represent a fictituous experiment. Describe this ‘experiment’ in a paragraph of no longer than 10 lines of text. Write a corresponding hypothesis (H0 and Ha). Display the data for the two samples using histograms and box and whisker plots. Test the hypothesis using an appropriate two-side test, and write a one sentence conclusion for your findings, together with the proper reporting of the results. Provide all of the code used to accomplish this.
Exercise 2 Search for a built-in R dataset suitable for a t-test. Which t-test is appropriate for testing hypotheses about these data? Write down the hypothesis and test it.